I just graduated. Why can't I access the databases remotely?


Unfortunately, alumni lose remote access to the databases upon graduation due to our license agreements with the vendors.  The Registrar will change your status to "degreed" once all graduation requirements have been completed, including your thesis.  A script is run the 5th week of every term to find all with the status of "degreed" and change them to " alumni " status. Once this happens, you will no longer be able to access the library's databases remotely. 

However, alumni are always welcome to come into the Library, and we will help you with your research forever!   Feel free to reach out to us for research assistance:

  • Email: library@kettering.edu
  • Phone: 810-762-9598
  • Text: 810-255-9009
  • Last Updated Mar 21, 2022
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Stephanie Ruddock

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