I'm getting a browser page that says "This page cannot be reached/ERR_TIMED_OUT." How can I fix this?


There may be an issue with your internet settings. Comcast/Xfinity recently made some changes to their internet security with the advanced safety "feature" of xFi. To read more on a subject thread, click here. You need to disable the feature using the xFi app on your phone (see steps below). Please wait a few minutes for changes to take effect.

Other Tips to Try:

  • Where are you starting? Please start from library website to access resources. Many resources have a special URL suffix that provides off-campus access.
  • Are you seeing the login page, but aren't able to login? Confirm your Kettering Authorization Service (KAS) login, if you're having issues, please contact library@kettering.edu.
  • Try clearing browser cookies/cache: Many browsers can get clogged up with old information, which can cause them to load pages slow or not at all.
  • Connect to KUCloud or VPN: These both provide secure networks to mimic being on campus.
  • Firewall and/or antivirus settings: See if there is an option to allow access to certain web pages. If so, you can add 'https://kuezproxy.palnet.info' to the list and this may resolve security issues.

If you're still having access issues, please contact the library at library@kettering.edu. Screenshots of errors are also helpful.

  • Last Updated Mar 25, 2022
  • Views 182
  • Answered By Courtney Cooney

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